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ActionNetwork New Mode Google doc


New Mode

Google doc

Hey team, and welcome back to one5c! It surely won’t surprise you to hear that a big part of this job is talking to people—researchers, policymakers, entrepreneurs, friends, family, other journalists—but I’ve had a particularly dense wave of conversations over these last couple months as I’ve bopped around the conference circuit. In all the pop-up chats with all the people from all the disciplines, one idea pervades: The climate is everything, and everything is the climate. Once that gets into your gray matter, it’s impossible to excise it. It’s the idea that there isn’t a single facet of life that human-caused warming doesn’t touch. 

I don’t say this to go all doom-and-gloom on ya (that’s not our vibe!). I say it because that realization is a gift. Everything from your morning cup of coffee to a game night with friends to the way you tend your lawn is an opportunity to open up a climate conversation with someone and get them engaged in this work. With that, here’s this Monday’s dose of somethin’ to talk about. —Corinne