The worst word at COP
Why ‘down’ is the worst 4-letter word in climate negotiations right now
Our favorite way to holiday shop
The climate community’s eyes are on COP28, but all we want to do is shop
Why you should care about COP
What a climate-active individual can take away from the massive international meetup
A simple way to keep toys out of the landfill
We toss billions of electronic toys each year—should we be buying them to begin with?
How to support Indigenous energy projects
Channel your thankfulness for the planet into action this holiday
Is Crocs’ recycling program a crock?
The plastic shoemaker is underpromising; is that better than the opposite? Plus: A sustainable Thanksgiving feast
Tell Biden ‘no’ on a new natural gas project
The administration’s next major climate test is on the Gulf Coast. Plus: That water bottle isn’t recycled
Who’s going to save the world?
The 2024 election is the most important in the history of the climate
A haunting way to make a difference
The modern funeral industry is an environmental mess. Are alternatives any better?
Proof that voting matters
The new Speaker of the House poses a dire threat to our planet. We need to ensure his tenure is…