
Standards & Practices


one5c is the original source of optimistic individual climate solutions. Our team of award-winning journalists have decades of experience covering science, technology, and the environment. Our editors and contributors are laser focused on identifying accessible, credible, emissions-obsessed solutions that help everyday people make meaningful change.

Objectivity, Transparency & Ethics

People have been turning to one5c for reliable and relatable advice on climate action since 2021, and we’re serious about maintaining trust in our advice and recommendations. Decisions about what to cover sit solely with the editorial team; members of our sales, marketing, ownership, or other teams have no influence over the editorial work we publish on the site, in our newsletters, or on any of our platforms. Similarly, advertisers in no way dictate the products we recommend or any other facet of our content. Any branded or sponsored content will be clearly labeled, and any staff involvement in making that content will be made clear. Advertisements will always be clearly labeled.

We’ll disclose any potential conflicts that may influence coverage. We require our editorial teams (both staff and freelance) to be up front about relationships they have that could influence the objectivity of their reporting. No one on the one5c editorial team has any financial connection in the companies we cover. We generally don’t participate in junkets—i.e., trips companies pay for to get journalists access to their news—but, on the off-chance that we do, we’ll be honest that someone other than ourselves has paid our way. All our reporting and writing is original, and we have a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism.

Our product reviews and recommendations are solely guided by our expertise, research, and experience. (You can read more about how we arrive at our recommendations here.) We receive no affiliate commission from any of the companies whose merchandise we cover.

Accuracy & Accountability

The one5c editors are committed to delivering the most accurate and current climate news and solutions to our audience. Everything we publish—from analysis of new climate research to a guide to the best online thrift marketplaces, to the posts that appear on our social channels—passes through at least one editor. That editor is responsible for ensuring the quality and accuracy of the content.

Errors do happen, and we don’t push them under the rug. When a reader or source raises an issue with something we’ve published, an editor will re-check the facts in question against our sourcing, consult additional resources as needed, and determine if it’s necessary to issue a correction. If warranted, we’ll update the relevant parts of the text and insert a note disclosing the error in the story itself. We will never “ghost edit” a story by making a correction without disclosing it. 

All the stories we publish are written and edited by real humans. We don’t use any generative AI tools to do that work for us—though we do use spellcheck. We may, from time to time, tap generative image-editing tools to make non-substantive changes to photos and other artwork, such as extending a background or removing crumbs from a tabletop, but we will never alter the content and/or context of an image.

Advertising Standards

one5c does not endorse any of the companies, products, or services that advertise with us. That said, we understand that our partners do say something about our organization, so we strive to only do business with brands that share our values. As such, one5c does not accept advertising from fossil fuel companies or the institutions that finance fossil fuel expansion and continue to deliberately emit greenhouse gasses.

We do our best to vet every enterprise that buys an ad on one5c, but we cannot fact-check every claim that they make. Companies cannot buy editorial coverage from us, though our journalists sometimes talk to the same people as our ad sales team; it’s a small world, and our goal is that everyone who works on, with, or for one5c is trying to save it.