
This is not a normal week

Apologies to those of you who were expecting climate solutions. Today’s newsletter is about saving our planet from a different crisis.


one5c is about action. It’s about moving past the bad news and onto the part of the story where we’re all minimizing our impact and working together to heal our planet. This week is different.

I can’t honestly tell you that today is the day to take climate action. I’m a dad, and right now I’m staring at the baby monitor, watching my daughter sleep. I am so lucky to have this moment, and all I can think about are the parents in Uvalde who are not.

It’s too soon to move on. We need to grip our sadness and anger and use it to forge change. Because what is the point of saving the world if we can’t protect the children we’re saving it for?

Here are three things you can do that will make a difference:

1. Call your representatives. Yes, the NRA is evil, but only our elected officials can enact the legislation that will end this epidemic. Let them know you expect results. You can use the tools in this post to find your congressperson and get their phone number or email address. Tell them something like this:

Hi [STAFFER NAME], thanks for your time. My name is [YOUR NAME], and I am a constituent from [YOUR TOWN].

Please tell [SENATOR/REPRESENTATIVE NAME] that I want them to do something about the Gun Violence Epidemic—immediately. Please ask [SENATOR/REPRESENTATIVE NAME] to work with their colleagues to pass the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021 (H.R. 8), and the Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021 (H.R. 1446). We cannot let this violence continue.

Thanks again, [STAFFER NAME]. I really appreciate your time and your service to our country. I do not need a response—just action.

Do this whenever you have five free minutes, because that’s all it takes. Add it to your weekly to-do list, and then back your words up with your votes.

2. Donate to candidates in competitive races. one5c is not politically affiliated and does not currently endorse anyone for office. (I am a hunter and a gun owner, but that doesn’t mean I accept our country’s broken relationship with firearms.) I don’t care what party a politician belongs to, if they oppose measures that could reduce gun violence, I oppose them. Here is a list of candidates in competitive races whose opponents voted against background checks:

Jevin Hodge, AZ-01

Rudy Salas CA-22

Christy Smith CA-27

Jay Chen CA-45

Tony Vargas NE-02

Gabe Vasquez NM-02

Hilary Scholten MI-03

Greg Landsman OH-01

Each of these candidates has publicly demanded tougher gun laws and pledged to work to enact them if elected. Help them.

3. Get involved with organizations like Giffords, Everytown, and March for Our Lives, which combat gun violence by spreading information and mobilizing supporters.

I’ll be back next week with more of the usual. Please feel free to share this post if you know someone who might benefit from the information in it.

Take care of yourselves—and each other

