
You're working for me now

Welcome to the first newsletter I won’t ask you to share with everyone you’ve ever met


Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to speak with me about one5c recently. And to those of you who have ignored my emails, don’t sweat it. I’m not crying, it’s just been raining… on my face. 

I try to talk with readers every week. I usually pick subscribers I don’t know at all and cold-email them asking if they have 15 minutes to chat. Not one of these conversations has ever ended after 15 minutes, but they’ve all helped me learn what you like to read, what you want to know, and what keeps you coming back. Now I’m widening the circle. 

This week, I’m asking you to write for me. I’d be so grateful if you’d take the time you ordinarily spend reading one5c to fill out a brief survey. Seriously, it’s quick. I did four passes and got an average of 3:28. My wife said it took her “3-5 minutes,” and that included her making screenshots with arrows and stuff that recommended how I could change some of the dumb shit I initially had in there. 

Here’s a Google form.

Results will be anonymous, so let ‘er rip, Noah.

One more thing: I’m taking next week off. Between consulting gigs (yep, we do that kind of thing), some business housekeeping, and my daughter’s Dora the Explorer treasure-hunt birthday extravaganza, I need a solid block of time without a newsletter deadline hanging over my head. 

I’ll talk to you on Friday, May 13th! (Dun dun dun.)

Take care of yourselves—and each other

